
We Care Community Shed: Our community shed gives away free food and clothing every week on Thursday and Friday. We supply many people in need in Dandenong and surrounding suburbs and also assist asylum seekers and refugees. In the last 12 months we assisted around 2824 people. The shed is open from 10am.

Play Group: This is the largest playgroup in the City of Greater Dandenong and operates Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30-11:30. It is extremely popular as parents come and socialise in a very pleasant environment, while their children play and learn skills to progress them towards school. They socialise, paint, listen to stories, sing songs and dance, to name a few. 

Schools Program: We assisted 12,359 high school students in the last financial year. We now have assisted 15 schools which is up from 8 schools and we do 5 schools on a weekly basis. This program is extremely popular and the positivity taught within being embraced by all. We cover topics including but not limited to: living your best life, mental health, supporting friends and other class mates and teamwork. We have motivational rappers during the lunch time visits to really engage the children paired with youth workers too. 

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We are very delighted and indeed grateful that the 2019/2020 School’s Empowerment and Education Grant from Ansvar Insurance has been awarded to We Care Community Services. Our school’s program is targeted at teenagers who are disengaged and/or disconnected due to a variety of reasons such as their background, lack of resources, newly arrived migrants/refugees and financial hardships. The program is offered to year 7-9 students during lunchtime once a week to participate in games, engage with We Care Community leaders and learn about mental health, attitudes, confidence and resilience. Their social interactions is always promoting a positive lifestyle, which encourages students to make good decisions in their life.

The funding will enable us to continue delivering these vital services to targeted teenagers within our community.

Helping hand days: We have a Helping Hand day every December where we give new toys, clothing and food. Last year 916 people came on the day for assistance.