COVID-19 Update
Last Updated: 8 May 2020
We Care Community Services is committed to providing a safe environment to its community and staff members, and as such, will continue to adhere to all guidelines as set by the Australian Government and the State of Victoria. We Care is also still committed to supporting its community especially those who are experiencing hardships due to the current COVID-19 climate and its impacts. As a result, we would like to advise you of some changes to the services that We Care provides.
We Care Shed
The We Care Shed is currently operating every Thursday and Friday between 10:30am and 2pm. Our staff are urged to maintain a high standard of hygiene practices at home with particular focus on hand hygiene while working in the Shed. Social distancing measures have been put in place for those visiting the shed which ensures a minimum 1.5 metre distance service at all times. This means that we ask all visitors to remain in their car and our staff will coordinate a non-contact service with you. This includes visitors who may be dropping off food donations as well as visitors eligible to collect food parcels.
Currently all playgroup, high school programs and English classes are temporarily closed and will remain so until the Australian Government advises otherwise.
We Care Office
All our staff are currently working from home so whilst you can still contact the office via phone or email, you will no longer be able to visit our office onsite.
We want to thank you for your support and generosity during this time and as an organisation, we endeavour to continue supporting our community.